1988:15 - DUNDRUM CASTLE, Dundrum, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: DUNDRUM CASTLE, Dundrum

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number:

Author: Elizabeth O'Brien

Site type: Castle - Anglo-Norman masonry castle

Period/Dating: Multi-period

ITM: E 719514m, N 724799m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.260074, -6.208660

This excavation which is being undertaken in advance of conservation/restoration, is funded and serviced by the Rathmichael Historical Society. This second season of one month's duration, took place in August 1988.

Part of the moat/ditch associated with the 13th-century castle i.e. the area around the drawbridge pier, has now been excavated to a depth of 1.6m. The undisturbed part of the fill of the moat/ditch consists of black clay/silt containing layers of charcoal, indicating that it was not water filled. Rather it was a ditch with surface water or mud at the base. Recovered from this fill were several hundred sherds of North Leinster cooking ware (13th/14th century), a tiny buckle and two rings (13th-century shoe fastenings), green glazed Leinster ware (13th/14th century), Saintonge ware, animal waste, cockle and oyster shells, corroded iron nails and an iron socketed arrowhead (13th century).

At the north-east side of the drawbridge area approximately five metres of the base of the wall of the 13th-century castle were exposed. Associated with the late 16th/17th-century rebuilt castle, a lintelled drain was exposed at the base of the south-west-facing wall of the tower. This feature runs beneath the tower and appears to connect up with the garderobe chute located in the north-east-facing wall. Finds from this later phase of the castle include post-medieval pottery, an iron jew's harp and a decorated bronze stick pin.

A further season's excavation is envisaged in July 1989.

121 Barton Road East, Dundrum, Dublin 14.