1980-84:0006 - BAY (Bay Farm), Antrim

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Antrim Site name: BAY (Bay Farm)

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number:

Author: J.P. Mallory, QUB

Site type: Habitation sites

Period/Dating: Prehistoric (12700 BC-AD 400)

ITM: E 728924m, N 916486m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.979304, -5.985909

Following the evidence from trial trenches in 1977-79 and phosphate and magnetometer surveys in 1980, an area of 50sq.m was cleared, and the results indicated the existence of an Early Bronze Age settlement marked by a thick ash layer, habitation soil, fired surfaces, pits, stake-holes and pottery. The latter included sherds of Beaker, Food Vessel and coarse kitchen wares. Two burials from the same period were uncovered; one was the unaccompanied cremation of a small child in a cist, while the other, also a cremation, was associated with a Collared Urn, bronze dagger, perforated shell and an axe-like implement made from chalk.
A Neolithic settlement site was further inland near the former course of the Glencloy river. The trenches did not locate the boundaries of the settlement, but all uncovered a thin layer of dark soil, 0.1-0.2m deep, containing Neolithic ceramics, flint tools and waste flakes. Though several stake-holes were discovered, the shapes of the structures were not discernable within the confines of the excavation.