County: Wexford Site name: WEXFORD td
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: —
Author: T. Fanning, National Parks and Monuments Branch, OPW
Site type: Religious house - Augustinian canons
Period/Dating: Late Medieval (AD 1100-AD 1599)
ITM: E 704718m, N 621701m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.336916, -6.463338
As part of a general programme of repair and conservation at the site of the Augustinian Priory of S.S. Peter and Paul (commonly referred to as St. Selskars Abbey) the surface within the medieval church was lowered some two feet to the original floor levels. Clearance of the accumulated rubble and soil exposed some further sections of the medieval wall-footings and foundations. Excavation along the line of the piers supporting the nave aisle revealed the stop chamfers and plinths of these piers and of the western respond. Underlying the base of the western-most pier was a moulded door-jamb belonging to the thirteenth century aisleless nave. The foundations of the eastern respond were also uncovered and here, at the junction of the nave and chancel, some form of rood loft or screen had clearly existed.
The belfry tower, probably co-eval in date with the nave aisle, was also cleared down to its original floor levels. Some three feet of accumulated debris, consisting for the most part of loose sandy soil and brick, was removed. The level of the original floor was determined from the carved basal door jambs (in Dundry stone) of the small doorway leading into the stair well in the south-west angle of the tower. The basal step and dressed newel stone of the stairway were also uncovered. A few sherds of sgraffito and Buckley wares together with some fragments of carved stone were the only finds recovered.