2016:005 - Kilkilloge, Mullaghmore, Sligo

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Sligo Site name: Kilkilloge, Mullaghmore

Sites and Monuments Record No.: SL002-023 Licence number: 16E0077

Author: Eoin Halpin

Site type: Pit


ITM: E 570472m, N 857907m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.468915, -8.455578

The site is located with in the zone of archaeological potential associated with the ‘original location’ of the cross-inscribed pillar SL002-023. Although there are no known archaeological sites within the environs of the development, there was a possibility of buried remains associated with the pillar surviving.
Monitoring of the topsoil strip across the entire footprint of the development revealed subsoil to consist of compact glacial till. The southern side of the site has been previously disturbed by the insertion of a service line. Only one feature of archaeological interest was noted, an undatable shallow pit, which, although clearly not a hearth, as there was no evidence for in situ burning, does indicate archaeological activity in the area. It is probable that this feature represents the truncated remains of a refuse pit of indeterminate date.
This single feature was fully resolved, and nothing else of archaeological interest was uncovered.

AHC Ltd, 36 Ballywillwill Road, Castlewellan Co Down