2004:0942 - JAMESTOWN, Laois

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Laois Site name: JAMESTOWN

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 03E0679

Author: Patricia Lynch, for Valerie J. Keeley Ltd.

Site type: Metalworking site

Period/Dating: Medieval (AD 400-AD 1600)

ITM: E 659899m, N 707235m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.112313, -7.105305

Excavation took place in the townland of Jamestown during the course of the road improvement scheme for the N7 between Heath and Mayfield, Co. Laois. The site was identified during centre-line investigation by Eoghan Moore (Excavations 2003, No. 1056, 03E0126). A large area of archaeological potential was identified, apparently of prehistoric date, and this was excavated during June and July 2003.

Working from west to east of Field 1, the excavated remains consisted of: Trench 1—three hearths and a large pit that contained medieval pottery and a modern furrow; Trench 2—a hearth and a feature of no archaeological significance; Trench 3—a hearth; Trench 4—a pair of conjoined hearths. In Field 2, Trench 5 consisted of a series of post-holes and an area of burning and Trench 6 had the remains of a hearth.

Finds and features in this area suggest human settlement and possible metalworking activity during, at least the early/late medieval period.

27 Hilltown Way, Swords, Co. Dublin