2016:601 - Drumneen 2, Mayo

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Mayo Site name: Drumneen 2

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: E004729

Author: Joe Nunan

Site type: Cremation pit/ritual


ITM: E 506985m, N 786275m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.817666, -9.412569

A series of features including a cremation pit, charcoal spreads, post-holes/pits and linear features were identified at Drumneen 2. Twenty-six features of archaeological significance were identified but only a single cremation pit was confirmed. The cremation pit was sub-circular in plan and measured 0.34m by 0.33m with a depth of 0.1m. Other features excavated included four large post-holes filled with packing stones that may represent a four-post structure. These post-holes were set in a rectangle and were 2.1–2.3m apart.

A number of other features such as pits, with measurements ranging from 0.51m to 1.22m by 0.28m to 0.94m with depths ranging from 0.02m to 0.56m and small charcoal spreads have also been excavated. An arcing line of post-holes in the north-west corner of the site may be some type of boundary feature as it defines the plateau on top of the hill and defines the extent of the archaeology on the west.

The entire site appears to have a ritual function with the four-post structure representing a large platform with the cremation pit located adjacent to it. Outside the road-take the plateau is quite evident in an oval shape and it is highly likely that significant deposits and features are located here.

A total of 28 soil and environmental samples were taken. Radiocarbon analysis of any charcoal present should provide a date range for the use of this site. A number of finds including worked flint and pottery sherds were recovered during the excavation.

Archaeological Consultancy Services Unit, Unit 21 Boyne Business Park, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co Louth