County: Dublin Site name: Feltrim Hill, Fingal
Sites and Monuments Record No.: DU015-038 Licence number: 16E0395
Author: Ian Russel
Site type: Non Archaeological
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 720553m, N 744178m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.433901, -6.185728
This assessment succeeded in identifying and exposing large portions of Feltrim House. It was proved that the square tower (Site 2) and double arched structure (Site 3) were once part of the house structure and that a large section of the front basement wall survived within the southern field boundary.
Sections of the rear walls to the west and north of Feltrim House were exposed and identified, as were a number of internal and external floor/yard surfaces. A stone drain associated with the square tower and dairy was also exposed. A number of mortared stone walls and cobbled surfaces, evidence of an earlier structure pre-dating Feltrim House, were exposed and identified beneath the walls and associated floor surfaces of the house. However, no finds, walls or floor surfaces associated with a potential medieval castle or tower-house were identified. All of the exposed walls and floor surfaces were post-medieval in date and dated from the 18th century onwards.
Archaeological Consultancy Services Unit, Unit 21 Boyne Business Park, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co Louth