2016:441 - Hansfield or Phibblestown Dublin, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: Hansfield or Phibblestown Dublin

Sites and Monuments Record No.: DU013-01701- DU013-018 Licence number: 16E0040

Author: Ian Russell

Site type: Bronze Age


ITM: E 704034m, N 738948m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.390434, -6.435947

A total of 16 test trenches were excavated within the site. The sod and topsoil measured an average of 0.27m in thickness and lay above the natural orange sandy clay. Possible archaeological features were identified in a number of test trenches. A ditch (F006), orientated east – west, was identified within Trench 8. It measured 2.12m in width by 0.6m in depth and had three fills (F003-F005). A pit (F007) was also identified within Trench 9. No dating evidence was recovered from either of the ditches F006 or F009 but the curving nature of F009 and the presence of decayed and fragmented animal bone in the base of F006 may indicate that these ditches have archaeological potential. The pit F007 was filled with a black clay and heat-shattered stone and its proximity to the ditch F006 may be significant. The excavation was carried out on April 26-27 2016.

Area 1: An area of 20m by 20m was stripped around the site of feature F007, a pit identified during the earlier testing phase. The feature was clearly isolated, and took the form of a shallow oval pit measuring 1.6m by 1.3m with an average depth of 0.3m. It contained a single fill (F008), a dark clay slit containing much heat-shattered stone. A small natural depression was also recorded directly to the north of F007 and it contained a similar type fill. This pit may represent a feature typical of Bronze Age cooking sites known as fulachta fiadh.

Area 2: An area of 20m by 20m was also stripped around the site of F006 which was identified during the test trenching as a possible ditch/linear feature. However following stripping, F006 was clearly visible as a large oval-shaped pit measuring 2.4m by 5.92m, with a maximum depth of 0.5m. This pit contained three fills F003, F004, F005 and the upper surface of F005 contained occasional heat-shattered stone and charcoal. The other two deposits were sterile and may represent silting of the feature over time. A soil sample was taken from the fill of this pit and charcoal (mostly hazel) was collected from the sample. The sample returned a radiocarbon date of 3630 +/- 30 BP (Cal. 2040-1900 BC (86.4%), suggesting the site is Middle Bronze Age in date.

Both of these features located within Areas 1-2 appear to have had a similar function and were likely associated with the process of heating water that is evident at fulachta fiadh sites. However their morphology would suggest they had limited use as only a small amount of burnt stone was recovered from both features.

No further archaeological features were present in this area and monitoring of topsoil stripping concluded that the remainder of the development site was devoid of features of an archaeological nature.

Archaeological Consultancy Services Unit, Unit 21 Boyne Business Park, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co Louth