2010:832 - Toom 7, Wexford

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Wexford Site name: Toom 7

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: E004285

Author: Colum Hardy, for TVAS (Ireland) Ltd, Ahish, Ballinruan, Crusheen, Co. Clare.

Site type: Pits, drain and post-medieval agricultural activity


ITM: E 700878m, N 642946m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.528523, -6.513256

Toom 7 was located on the proposed M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy scheme. The site was situated in sloping grassland.
Three pits were identified at Toom 7. A subcircular pit, measuring 0.7m by 0.5m and 0.24m deep, contained three fills. The fills of this pit were moderately compact mid-grey/brown sandy silt which contained angular stones and charcoal flecks. An oval pit measured 1.54m by 1.14m and was 0.25m deep. The pit contained a single fill, which was soft mottled black/brown clay silt that contained sub-angular stones and occasional charcoal flecks. An irregularly shaped pit, measuring 3.32m by 2.03m and 0.46m deep, contained two fills. The main fill consisted of medium compacted orange/grey clay silt which contained patches of isolated charcoal. The second fill was a small charcoal-rich and silt clay lens which was recorded along the eastern edge of the pit. Given the irregular size and shape of this feature, it is likely that it was a large tree bole rather than a substantial pit of archaeological significance. No finds were recorded from any of the pits.
A series of linear post-medieval plough furrows, drains and tree boles were also recorded, indicating field clearance, improvement and enlargement.